
作者: 来源: 发布日期:2023-11-01 浏览次数:

天天中彩票题目:A genome-wide association study uncovers that TaPI4K-2A regulates pre-harvest sprouting in wheat

天天中彩票作者:Li Tai#, Jianhui Wu#, Yexing Jing#, Huaizeng Liu#, Qingdong Zeng, Xiaojing Xu, Shengdixin Shi, Hongjin Wang, Wenting Liu, Jiaqiang Sun*, De-Jun Han*, Kun-Ming Chen*

天天中彩票摘要:Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS), adversely affects yield and grain quality in cereal crops worldwide. Here, a systematic analysis of wheat PHS was conducted by using 680 worldwide wheat accessions by the genome-wide association study (GWAS). A total 102 PHS-controlled loci were identified. A causal gene of a novel locus, namely  TaPI4K-2A,  was identified as a key regulator of wheat PHS.

穗发芽(PHS)是全世界范围内严重会影响谷物产量和品质的有害农艺性状。本研究利用680份来自世界各地的具有广泛遗传多样性的小麦种质为材料,采用全基因组关联分析(GWAS)系统研究了小麦PHS性状,总共鉴定到了102个与PHS相关的数量性状基因座(QTL),并从其中一个新的QTL位点中挖掘到了一个新的小麦PHS调控基因 TaPI4K-2A ,为通过分子育种等手段培育穗发芽抗性小麦品种提供了新靶标。
